Key Interview Tips That Will Help You Land Your Next Job

by Triumph Training on December 9, 2019 in Business, News & Resources

Darryl Willmot shares crucial interview tips to help you land your next role.




So I have some interview tips for you. Make sure you arrive early for your interview.

The worst thing you can do is be late. If you are running late, make sure you ring the employer straight away.

My advice, get there 10 minutes early so you’ve relaxed. Find where the offices, things like that.

The next thing, is make sure that you’re dressed appropriately, dress to impress. Also, have your resume ready.

The most important thing is be yourself. The employer knows you’ll be a bit nervous. Take a deep breath. Don’t rush.

Also, tell them about the course that you completed, all the knowledge and skills you’ve gained, the practical side of things, especially. That you’ve operated a pallet jack. You’ve done some stock-taking, you know the safety issues at the warehouse, and also, you may have gained a forklift license. Talk about that as well.

The main thing is that you be yourself, you’re relaxed, you’ve got good qualifications, and you’re here to do your best.